2008年10月23日 星期四


Name: webb 49712054
Reaction Article#4
From: reuters

According to Patricia Zengerle’s”Crisis reverberates from Hungary to Wall Street.”It exposes what, the financial crisis, we are facing now and we encounter the severest economical problem after the the Persian Gulf war.
The economic storm swamps all over the world from Europe to American state and from Russia to Australia. There is no nation in the world can escape this devastating catastrophe. This phenomenon , I think, will not be ended in a short time at least in the recent years.
The news seen in the paper just a few days ago reported the bank, which was ranked at the front of the top banks declared bankrupt and made the bank system in the U.S be in a mess. The consequence also resulted in the serial action. The effect appeared in the stock market ,too. The investor who plunged their hard earning in the trap was heartbroken and they could find their money nowhere. Though the leading countries in business or industry were anxious about solving the terrible problem, it seemed to be time-costing.
The serial impact also posed a threat to a lot of families because the owner who managed a company would like to lower their expenses on the persons. Then, they would do something like job-cutting or job-laying. I think, in my opinion, if the world economic trouble does not be solved the criminal rate will also climb just like the rate of unemployment rate.
We could still pay some attention to what happened in the world like the bankrupt of Iceland or at the edge in Korean. These were the most apparent evidence that the economical recession appear in front of us.
