2008年12月25日 星期四


Name: Webb
Reaction Article#12
From: Guardian

My reaction:
According to John Carvel’s “New year surge in divorce rate predicted”, he mentions the phenomenon that occurs in the Britain. He plots a image that will happen in the following 2009.
The divorce rate in England, the author thought there might be a surge in the early January, will be much severer than any other month in 2008. The LGA said it appeared that mortgage arrears were driving more people's relationships on to the rocks. It predicted that marital problems would reach a crisis point in early January, when divorce proceedings can be 50% higher than at any other time of year. The 50% of the divorce rate was such a terrible number when it was compared to other countries.
The horrible scene appears in the next year may be a result of the economic depression. The recession we are in now put a lot of families in a deteriorating situation. Many of them could not bear the financial burden from their family and company. They not only have to sway over the thundering period of this stage but should sustain their life lest the family supporting by them should collapse.
It seems that there is every reason to push to responsibility to the economic aggravation. It is the truth seen by the appearance of the depression but what inside the economic depression still remains a lot of opportunities for people but they do not want have it because it is not worth of their value and you called this kind of people should be saved by the social welfare, I am afraid not.
